Algorithm Description Guidelines In addition to submitting a docker container, participants must submit by August 12th 2024 a short description of their algorithm highlighting the main features.
Use the following form: FeTA Challenge Algorithm Description Submission
In addition to the above form, please provide a description of your model highlighting the main features. This description must include the following details (unless the parameter is not applicable for your model):
Model architecture
Number of layers
Convolution kernel size
Cross-validation used?
Number of epochs
Number of trainable parameters
Learning Rate and schedule
Loss Function
Dimensionality of input/output (ie: 2D,3D, 2D+, etc.)
Batch Size
Preprocessing steps used (ie data normalization, creation of patches, etc.)
Data Augmentation steps (ie – rotation, flipping, scaling, blur, noise, etc.)
External dataset used? (allowed, but it needs to be publicly available
Framework (ie – MONAI, nnUNet, etc.)
Number of models trained for final submission
Post-Processing Steps (ie – ensemble network, voting, label fusion)
Clearly state which aspects are original work (if any) or already existing work
Include relevant citations, as well as if existing code/software libraries/packages were used
Which FeTA cases were included in the training and testing (ie – all cases, only pathological, only 1 institution, etc.)
Training/validation/testing data splits
Hyperparameter tuning performed
Training time
Note: If your method was not deep learning-based, please provide the equivalent appropriate information as listed above.